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  • How Jason Levin Increased Revenue by $5K+ With These 4 Simple Zaps

How Jason Levin Increased Revenue by $5K+ With These 4 Simple Zaps

Today's post is a guest post by Jason Levin from Cyber Patterns with 21K followers on 𝕏/Twitter, runs a 1-man agency with 10 clients, He’s going to share his top Zaps powering his content engine.

What You'll Learn:

  • How to effortlessly manage client tasks across multiple platforms

  • A simple trick for maximizing the reach of your best content

  • The unexpected place Jason captures his most creative ideas

Cyber Patterns by Jason LevinSocial media strategies for nerds trying to blow up the internet

On to Jason:

Sup nerds!

My name is Jason and I’m a marketing maniac.

  • I run a newsletter called Cyber Patterns for 18,000+ marketing maniacs.

  • I ghostwrite for startup founders and film street interviews for startups.

  • I wrote a book and made a course about how to make money with memes.

Note: I’m a marketing maniac. This is not the marketing they teach you in business school.

I do marketing for startups that have raised millions of dollars and are trying to make billions. And one big thing working with startups has taught me about the content game is the power of automation.

Every creator should be an automation alchemist.

Today, I'm going to share my top 4 automations with you. These Zaps have not only saved me countless hours but have also helped me generate over $5K+ in additional revenue.

Let’s begin…

Automation #1: Never Miss A Client Task Again

Slack → Gmail → Superlist

I’m in 4 slacks. It’s insane.

  • I’m in 1 where I have some clients as guests

  • I’m in 2 for different startup clients

  • I’m in 1 for the 100+ marketing maniacs in my premium community

… keeping track of client messages and tasks across all of them was a nightmare.

For the last few years, I had no automations in my workflow.

A client would message me and then I’d set a Reminder to myself to work on it.

But then a few weeks ago, cool app called Superlist launched. It’s a reminders list with integrations. I have a FREE plan which is good enough for me!I

How the Zap automation works:

  1. I created Zaps for each Slack message. Now, when a client messages me in Slack, I can simply press "Push to Zapier."

  2. The Slack message is then forwarded to my Gmail account via Zapier. (You can forward directly to Superlist from Slack, but not if you're in 4 different Slacks like me).

  3. From Gmail, the message is automatically forwarded to my Superlist inbox, where it appears as a new task.

  4. Within seconds of pushing to Zapier, the task hits my Superlist Inbox. When I have time during the day, I then drag the task over to the correct list for the company.

Within seconds of pushing to Zapier, the task hits my Superlist Inbox.

During the day, I then drag the task over to the correct list for the company.

No more missed tasks or forgotten follow-ups!

Automation #2: Set It And Forget It Twitter Growth

Remixing Tweets: Tweet Hunter → Gmail → Superlist

Ok here’s a Twitter secret for y’all.

I’ve ghostwritten for 30+ Twitter accounts.

A lot of the big Twitter accounts repost their best tweets 6 months later.

And again.

And again.

But how do they remember to post them?

I know one guy who had a Google Sheets with fancy formulas and I tried doing that but I screwed up one part of the formula and it became useless.

So here’s what I started doing now thanks to Superlist:

  1. Every time I tweet using Tweet Hunter, Zapier automatically sends the tweet to my Gmail account.

  2. From Gmail, the tweet is then forwarded to my Superlist inbox, where it appears as a new task.

  3. If the tweet doesn't perform well, I simply delete the Superlist reminder.

  4. If the tweet takes off and gets great engagement, I drag and drop it to my "REPOST" list in Superlist.

  5. I set a reminder in Superlist to repost the tweet every 6 months, ensuring that my best content gets recycled and reaches new audiences.

By automating this process, I can easily keep track of my top-performing tweets without any manual tracking or complicated spreadsheets.

Set it and forget it Twitter growth!

Automation #3: Capture Your Best Ideas, Even When Your Phone's In Another Room

Bedtime Ideas: Google Tasks → Gmail → Superlist

Ok this one is super niche, but maybe the most important.

I’ve had a rule for 3+ years to keep my phone out of the bedroom to make sure I sleep ok, but it’ll be bed time and I’ll be thinking and come up with all these ideas.

So here’s what I did to remember them:

  1. When I'm lying in bed and get a brilliant newsletter idea, I say "Hey Google, create a task to write a newsletter for Mike."

  2. Google Home creates a new task in my Google Tasks list with the specified description.

  3. Zapier then automatically forwards the task from Google Tasks to my Gmail account.

  4. From Gmail, the task is then forwarded to my Superlist inbox, where it appears as a new item.

  5. The next day, I can easily review the task in my Superlist inbox and drag it to the appropriate list for collaboration with my business partner.

I know this is really niche and seems silly but tbh it’s my favorite because it helps me stay offline at night, get a better sleep, and have more clarity. The power of automation baby.

Ok onto the last one.

Automation #4: Turn Every Call Into A Newsletter Subscriber

Calendly → Beehiiv

Ok this is a savage one.

Want to make sure everyone you hop on a call with is subscribed to your newsletter?

This automation's got you covered:

  1. When someone books a call with me through Calendly, Zapier automatically captures their email address from the booking details.

  2. Zapier then sends the email address to Beehiiv, my email marketing platform.

  3. Beehiiv automatically adds the email address to my newsletter subscriber list.

  4. The person who booked the call is now subscribed to my newsletter, ensuring that they stay up-to-date with my latest content and offerings.

My #1 mission is to grow my newsletter Cyber Patterns.

Why should I be wasting time on someone who isn’t gonna spend the time to at least check out what I’m doing and pouring my heart and soul and money into?

It’s savage but I think it’s a really good filter of: am I getting on call with useless people who are gonna waste my time or am I spending time talking to people who are about by mission?

Because I only want to spend time with the latter. F everyone else! I know that’s crazy but people can always unsubscribe if they don’t like it.

Best of all? It’s done automatically.

Let's recap:

  • Automation 1: Never miss a client task again and streamline your workflow across multiple Slack workspaces

  • Automation 2: Grow your Twitter presence on autopilot by recycling your top-performing tweets every 6 months

  • Automation 3: Capture your best ideas without disrupting your sleep schedule or losing late-night inspiration

  • Automation 4: Grow your newsletter audience and ensure you're only spending time with engaged prospects

Alright automation alchemists, I hope these Zaps helped you!

If you’re a marketing maniac and want to start going viral and win the social media game, subscribe to my newsletter for free.


6 Automations (Zaps) Every Creator Needs: Zapier automations inspiration for creators like you. 

Create Your 90-Day Content Library: Effortlessly generate a wealth of ideas.

Talk soon,

Mike 🧪🔨

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