Create Zapier Automations with ChatGPT

Streamlining your workflows (no automation experience required)

⌛ Read time: 4 minutes

💰 Potential savings: 10+ hours a month

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🚀 Product Announcement: Workflow ChatGPT Mega-Prompts

⚙ ChatGPT prompt to help you build automations with Zapier

Ready? Let’s get begin.

In this post, I’m sharing a unique ChatGPT prompt that’ll help you create your own Zapier automation, regardless of your prior experience.

You’ve probably heard the buzz around automation, and its touted benefits of “saving time and money”. Yet, for many, the stumbling block isn’t understanding these benefits - it’s taking the first step. The process of automation often gets sidelined, its value is under-appreciated because the benefits aren’t immediately “visible.”

And yes, there’s a learning curve. Time is precious, and even though anyone can learn, the opportunity cost can feel prohibitive. Coupled with the gradual onset of benefits, it’s easy to see why automation gets postponed until it becomes a real pain point.

What if you could just describe your desired automation, name your tools, and receive a step-by-step checklist to automate it?

That’s what I’m offering you with the ChatGPT prompt today.

But before we dive into it, let’s set some context and ask a vital question:

Should busy solo entrepreneurs like yourself prioritize automation?

Here is my take: If you're not generating revenue or are just starting out, then I wouldn't prioritize automation yet.


Because when you’re launching a business, your top priority should always be generating revenue. Also, your systems are likely to change. Automating a process only to overhaul it soon due to shifting workflows isn't practical.

Does this mean you should dismiss automation entirely?

Not at all. If you have some spare time to gradually learn (like how you’re reading this right now)!

I’m a firm believer that every solopreneur should at least grasp the basics of automation.

Knowing which workflows and processes can be automated is valuable. You don’t always have to be the one building these automations; if you’re in a position to hire someone else, that’s perfect.

By understanding the ‘language of automation’, you can significantly ease your life and that of the Automator, making the whole process smoother and more efficient.

Understanding the Tools: ChatGPT and ZapGPT

Before we dive deeper into the details, it's essential to clarify two terms you'll encounter throughout this article: ChatGPT and ZapGPT.

  • ChatGPT: This is an AI language model developed by OpenAI.

  • ZapGPT: This is the name I've given to a specific prompt designed for ChatGPT, intended to assist with building automations on Zapier.

Please note that I'll be using the terms 'ChatGPT' and 'ZapGPT' interchangeably throughout this article.

Whenever you see 'ZapGPT', think of it as the ChatGPT prompt that's specifically designed for creating automation instructions on Zapier.

Let’s continue!

How to leverage ChatGPT and Build Zapier Automations

Let's explore how you can enhance your Zapier automation-building process by leveraging ChatGPT, a ChatGPT prompt I've affectionately named 'ZapGPT'.

If you're new to Zapier, I recommend reviewing my 3-part series on getting started with Zapier automation.

Note: It’s not a requirement to use the prompt I’m sharing with you but it’ll definitely help your chances of getting a better output.

How the ChatGPT (‘ZapGPT’) Prompt Works

  • ZapGPT is a digital automation process workflow assistant that helps you save time by automating tasks.

  • It creates instructions to help you build "Zaps", which are automated workflows that connect your apps together. It can’t create the Zaps for you.

    • Pro-tip: Use the Zapier Plug-in if you’d like to build Zaps directly in ChatGPT (tutorial on this coming soon).

  • ZapGPT provides step-by-step instructions on how to create and manage your Zaps.

ZapGPT Requirements

Benefits of ZapGPT

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty and the many benefits ZapGPT has to offer.

A table summarizing the main benefits of ZapGPT: Contextual Understanding, Simplified Process, Adaptive Suggestions, Error Mitigation, Learning Tool, Efficient Workflow Creation, and Interactive and Familiar Interface. Each benefit is accompanied by a detailed explanation, highlighting how ZapGPT enhances the user experience and efficiency in creating Zaps on Zapier.

Key benefits of using ZapGPT for automation on Zapier

The table above was written by ChatGPT đŸ€–, verified by human 🧔

Now, you might be wondering:

“Doesn't Zapier already offer an AI-powered Zap Builder?” Great question!

With Zapier’s latest AI feature, you can describe an automation you want, and it’ll suggest a workflow to use.


Here is the result:

Notify me of approved vacation requests

ZapGPT vs. AI-powered Zap Builder: Comparison

I tested the same 3 automations side-by-side with ZapGPT vs. Zapier’s Ai-powered Zap builder:

  1. When a customer makes a payment in Quickbooks, find the customer's open deal in Hubspot, then mark it as closed.

  2. If someone posts in Discord, send me a notification in Slack.

  3. After I get a new Airtable form submission, look for a row corresponding to the submitter's email address in Airtable, then check the "Submitted" field checkbox.

Test Results: ZapGPT and Zapier’s AI Zap Builder

In our comparison of three tests, ZapGPT nailed all of them, while Zapier's AI Zap Builder slipped up on one - the Airtable form submission. This is the one I’ll share – You can read the entire conversation here.

After I get a new Airtable form submission, look for a row corresponding to the submitter's email address in Airtable, then check the "Submitted" field checkbox.

Here is where Zapier’s AI-Zap builder falls short sometimes.

In this case, Zapier’s AI Zap Builder goofed by picking Paperform over Airtable.

Michael Scott Cringe Moments

Michael Scott Questioning Life

Here's how ZapGPT responded:

The image displays text output from a conversation with ZapGPT, an AI model trained to assist with automating workflows on Zapier. The AI provides detailed step-by-step instructions to set up a Zap on Airtable. The instructions cover three main steps: setting up the trigger, finding the row in Airtable, and updating the 'Submitted' field in Airtable. Each step has detailed sub-steps, making the complex process of setting up a Zap easily understandable.

ZapGPT assisting with creating the Airtable workflow on Zapier.

Not too shabby, eh? 😅

Michael Scott Pleasantly Surprised

Michael Scott Pleasantly Surprised

If you're looking for detailed instructions for creating automated workflows, understanding the logic behind a particular automation setup, and a conversational user experience then this prompt is for you.

Zapier's AI builder is great for creating quick automations — and given that it’s still in beta, it won’t be too long until you see improvements.

Regardless of which tool you choose, always make sure to double-check your work.

OK, enough chatter.

Click the button below to grab the ChatGPT Prompt (‘ZapGPT)!

Here is the ChatGPT prompt in action:

You are ZapGPT, a digital automation process workflow expert with a deep understanding of Zapier, a web-based service that allows end users to integrate the web applications they use. Fluent in creating Zaps—automated workflows between apps—you are aware of the 6000+ apps and integrations available on Zapier. You also have the capability to search the web for more information when needed.


- Your role is to help users automate their tasks by creating Zaps.
- You will guide them through the process of creating a Zap step by step, explaining the purpose of each step, and providing alternative suggestions if possible.
- If you encounter an app or integration unfamiliar to you, you will attempt to find its integration page on Zapier or ask the user for the link to it.
- Avoid making assumptions when you don’t have specific knowledge about an app or integration.
- Your main goal is to make the process of creating Zaps easier for the user, providing a smooth and efficient experience.
- Once the user is satisfied with the Zap setup, you will guide them to create the Zapier automation themselves.

**Key Responsibilities**:

1. Ask the user about the apps they want to integrate and the task they want to automate.
2. Request clarity on any other apps or services involved in the automation process.
3. Ask the user to provide clear triggers and actions for each step of their workflow.
4. Propose a possible Zap flow, explaining each step.
5. Ask for the user’s confirmation before proceeding.
6. If the user wants a detailed walkthrough, ask them to specify the level of detail they require (high-level overview, step-by-step instructions, etc.).
7. Encourage the user to confirm or provide feedback after each major step.
8. Always ensure you have the correct information before providing instructions. If unfamiliar with an app, attempt to find information online or ask the user for a link to the app’s integration page on Zapier.
9. After each major step, provide a concise recap to ensure the user is following along.
10. If the user requests personalized tips, ask for additional context or metrics about their business.
11. Be ready to suggest alternative solutions or workarounds if faced with limitations.
12. Once the Zap is set up, provide the user with a summary and ask for their feedback.
13. If the user is satisfied, guide them to create the Zapier automation.


1. You don’t have the ability to directly manipulate Zapier; you provide guidance on how the user can do so.
2. You don’t have access to user-specific data unless explicitly provided during the conversation.
3. You can’t process sensitive personal data. Remind users not to share such information.
4. You don’t have real-time access or updates to the Zapier platform.
5. Remember to ask for user confirmation before making assumptions or proceeding with each major step.
6. If you encounter an app or integration you’re not familiar with, attempt to find its integration page on Zapier, or ask the user for the link to it.
7. Don’t make assumptions when you don’t have specific knowledge about an app or integration. Stick to known information.
8. Ensure to provide a concise recap after each major step to keep track of the automation building process.

**About My Business**:

1. **Business Description:** [Describe your business, outlining the nature of your operations and the industry you operate in.]
2. **Apps in Use:** [List the apps you're currently using in your business operations. These can be for productivity, communication, data analysis, or any other function relevant to your business.]
3. **Automation Goals:** [Detail the tasks you're trying to automate using Zapier. Outline any specific goals you have for this automation process.]
4. **Additional Apps or Services:** [If there are other apps or services involved in your process, specify these as well. Mention their purpose and how they interact with the main apps you're using.]
5. **Request for Personalized Advice:** [If you're seeking personalized advice for your business, provide additional context or metrics about your business. This could be in terms of growth goals, productivity issues, data flow requirements, or any other relevant aspect.]

Let’s use a personal example to test ZapGPT in action

  1. Notify me on Slack when a new order in Lemon Squeezy is created / successful

  2. Notify me on Slack if a refund is processed in Lemon Squeezy

Here is the first Zap outlined by ZapGPT

ZapGPT outlining the first Zap

ZapGPT outlining the first Zap

GIF Preview of the rest of the chat

Confirm Steps

It's a good practice to confirm the steps and names (if you're starting out). Simply provide ZapGPT with the link and ask it to confirm.


Here is the confirmation:

The output is long so you can check out the entire chat here.


or to participate.