Streamline Your Work: Automate Daily Tasks with ChatGPT

How I Made ChatGPT a Core Element in My Daily Workflow

Why ChatGPT Hasn't Solved All Your Problems—Yet

Even with the advances in AI and ChatGPT, why does it still feel unproductive?

You might be stuck in a loop of crafting the same ChatGPT prompts or hunting down past responses.

What if you could finally make ChatGPT part of your daily workflow without feeling like you’re just wasting time?

The Answer: VOICE

Introducing VOICE—a framework I created (inspired by David Jenyns) to help integrate ChatGPT into your day-to-day tasks.

Why VOICE Is a Must-Have

Amplifying Your Focus

With VOICE, you can offload repetitive tasks to ChatGPT. This lets you zero in on those high-leverage tasks that make the most impact. Trust me, your biz will thank ya for it.

The Magic Behind VOICE

VOICE framework marries AI with your everyday workload. Whether it's content creation, documentation, or customer service, VOICE paves the way for more meaningful work.

If you're looking to outsource tasks and make the most of AI, you'll need a straightforward system that anyone (like your VA) can follow. Using this framework can help you achieve just that.

The VOICE Playbook: A Hands-On Guide

Turning Theory into Action

The first signal that you need VOICE is a pattern of repetitive tasks.
You know, like rewriting ChatGPT prompts or following a recurring process. That's your cue to adopt the system.

Once you’ve recognized the need you can execute the framework.

Voice: Use AudioPen or to capture your current processes or extract transcripts from a Loom or Descript video tutorial.

Organize: Make a “Priming” template and organize your templates in a tool like Notion or Google Docs.

A priming template is like a recipe card that kick-starts tasks, saving time and ensuring consistency.

I’m using Notion since it’s easy to create templates.

  1. Implement: Test the system. Make sure your template or prompt captures all essential details.

  2. Check: Review the AI output. A pro tip: Have a "brand voice guidelines" template to keep the output consistent with your brand.

  3. Enclose: Publish your AI-created content and keep it in an archive for future use.

Real-World Example: Publishing YouTube Videos

Let’s say, I run a YouTube channel and publish weekly YouTube videos, let’s break down how VOICE can simplify that:

Voice: Extract an audio transcript from the YouTube video

Organize: In Notion, build a structured ChatGPT prompt (priming template) for creating YouTube videos and their required elements.

YouTube ChatGPT Prompt Priming Template

Implement: Insert the prompt into ChatGPT to generate the required elements and then paste the transcript I’ve extracted from the Loom video (aka YouTube video I’m publishing).

ChatGPT will then extract what I need using the Priming template I’ve provided – essentially doing 90% of the work!

Keywords, Title and Description

Check: Examine the output for accuracy and polish.

Enclose: Publish and store the details for easy finding or future use.

VOICE Framework

Putting an End to Manually Repeating the Same Tasks

VOICE allows you to integrate ChatGPT and AI into your workflow, freeing you up to focus on high-leverage tasks and grow your biz.

You can use the VOICE framework to create repeatable processes and systems using ChatGPT + execute them as well.

Next Steps

  1. Document any repetitive tasks in your workflow (e.g. publishing newsletters, creating social media content). Use Loom videos to easily extract transcripts for ChatGPT.

  2. Create priming templates for repetitive tasks. Start small rather than trying to build them all out.

  3. Read Part 2 of 3 of this series: What Are Priming Templates?

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